What is SS110
SS110 is a type of diode in the fast switching diode line manufactured by ON Semiconductor. This diode is capable of high-speed switching, has a maximum reverse voltage of 100V and a maximum current of 1A. It is used in many applications such as in frequency conversion circuits, protection circuits, filter circuits, color correction circuits, locking circuits and counter circuits.
Technical specifications
- Maximum reverse voltage: 100V
- Maximum reverse current: 1μA
- Maximum operating voltage: 1V
- Maximum operating current: 1A
- Reverse recovery time: 4ns
- Power consumption: 625mW
- Maximum operating temperature: from -65°C to 150°C
Diode SS110 has many applications in electronic circuits including:
Frequency conversion circuit: used in frequency conversion circuits to convert the frequency of electrical signals.
Protection circuit: used in protection circuits to minimize the effects of reverse voltage or electrical noise on other electronic components.
Filter circuit: used in filter circuits to remove unwanted signals or noise from input signals.
Color correction circuit: used in color correction circuits to adjust the color of the image.
Lockout circuit: used in locking circuits to block signals or prevent unauthorized access.
Counter circuit: used in counter circuits to count the number of times a signal appears in a certain period of time.
Depending on the specific application, the specifications of this diode can be adjusted to meet the requirements of the electronic circuit.
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